Vitruvian Trainer+ Gets a 5/5 Score on BT Canada!

Yup, we’ve been featured again — and between us, it never gets old.
The guys over at BT Canada (with their cool 783,000 weekly viewers), just dropped their thoughts on the Trainer+ - and what do you know? They gave us a 5/5 rating.
We couldn’t be more proud. Not surprised, but proud nonetheless.
So what earned us all 5 stars? Let’s dive into it.
"It's a virtual trainer that has all the bells and whistles," BT said, highlighting the whopping 440lbs (yeah, you read that right) of resistance that we’ve packed into one sleek package.
Not to mention, our custom-designed "quick connector system," which allows for easy, one-handed attachment of various handles, bars, straps, and accessories.
Our members love this because it means a fast and safe connection, enabling you to seamlessly switch between exercises and accessories during your workout.
No more wasting time fumbling with clunky attachments - as BT acknowledges, the Trainer+ allows you to focus on crushing your workout at all times.
So far as bells and whistles, that’s just the beginning.
The Trainer+ also offers premium accessories (like the Pro Kit) that provide a wide range of exercise options, allowing you to vary your workouts and achieve exceptional results.
These accessories are designed to enhance your workout experience and offer a greater level of versatility.
Why? Well, we want to ensure that you can challenge your body in new ways and achieve your fitness goals more effectively.
“It’s technology that's usually more for the elite athletes, but the Trainer+ is bringing it to the “every” person,” stated BT.
That's right. Whether you're a seasoned athlete or just starting out, the Trainer+ is tailor-made for you.
How is that possible?
As BT discusses, our technology knows that you're capable of more and “continuously challenges you”.
Yup. Our AI reads your motion 1000 times per second, adjusting the weight to keep you pushing your limits.
No potential left on the table, no more plateaus.
The Trainer+ knows that you're stronger than you think. And it guarantees that you make the most of that strength.
“You can follow individual classes or programs on your tablet, your phone or your smart TV, to walk you through whatever training you've decided based on your goals.”
It’s yet another reason BT gave us a 5/5 star rating.
We’ve got over 300 classes to choose from, and 200+ targeted exercises for creating your own customized workouts. They’re all accessible from your choice of smart device. Build muscle, gain strength, and improve your overall fitness - the Trainer+ has a program for whatever you're after.
Plus, you get 24/7 access to our expert trainers! Let's face it, even champions need a little guidance sometimes.
Thanks again for the review, BT - and the 5/5 rating! Feedback like this is what motivates us to continue to provide the most premium adaptive weight technology on the market. Here’s to the future of fitness.
It’s looking pretty bright from here.
Watch the full review here.